These graphs are intended to provide a broad representation of change over time using data provided by the seven jurisdictions that have watersheds that drain to the Bay. The jurisdictions include New York, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, Virginia, and Washington, D.C.
BMPs by Sector
View the amount of best management practices (BMPs) implemented by sector (i.e., Agriculture, Resource, and Urban/Suburban Practices). Select states and a range of years from 1985 through the present. Specify the unit in which the BMPs are measured. You may also choose specific BMPs if desired. In this case, the bar will stack the BMPs rather than the sectors.
BMPs by BMP Groups
View the amount of best management practices (BMPs) implemented by BMP groups. Select states and a range of years from 1985 through the present. Specify the sector and unit in which the BMPs are measured.
Note: BMPs have different levels of effects on pollutant loads. In some cases, there could be fewer acres of BMPs but more impact on loads, for example. Years represent the Chesapeake Bay Program’s TMDL progress year of July 1 to June 30.