Loads by Source View nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment edge of stream (EOS) and edge of tide (EOT) loads (lbs/year) and loading rates (lbs/acre/year) by source (i.e., Agriculture, Developed, Natural (forests, wetlands, shoreline, and streams), Non-Tidal Water). Select a range of years from 1984 through 2025.
Land Use by Load Source View acres by source (i.e., Agriculture, Developed, Natural (forests and wetlands), Non-Tidal Water). Select a range of years from 1984 through 2025.
Loads and Land Use by Source View nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment edge of stream (EOS) and edge of tide (EOT) loading rates (lbs/acre/year), loads (lbs/year), and acres for selected sources (i.e., Agriculture, Developed, Natural (forests, wetlands, shoreline, and streams), Non-Tidal Water). Select a range of years from 1984 through 2025.
Load Map View nitrogen, phosphorus, or sediment edge of stream (EOS) and edge of tide (EOT) loading rates (lbs/acre/year). Select a year between 1984 through 2025. Results are displayed by county. Hover the cursor over a county to view county name and loading rate. To animate the map, select a starting year and press the ‘play’ button under the year slider.
Note: -Data presented for 2025 are from state Phase III WIPs. -When computing lbs/acre/year, all load sources are included in the numerator regardless of units. For these calculations, Septic and RIB loads are included with the Developed loads.