Do you want to create a plan for reducing nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment? These videos are for you! Learn how to create a scenario and analyze the results using Chesapeake Assessment Scenario Tool (CAST).

CAST 101 – Getting Started13 VIDEOS - 367 min
Scenario Analysis9 VIDEOS - 441 min
Cost Data in CAST3 VIDEOS - 44 min
Develop a Plan14 VIDEOS - 602 min

Upcoming Webinars

February's CAST webinar will highlight the Ecosystem Benefits Browser. This interactive Browser ties together all the Chesapeake Bay Program's goals and outcomes related to abundant life, clean water, conserved lands, engaged communities, and climate change with CAST BMPs. Attend this webinar to learn how to use this, and other CAST resources, to develop a well-rounded plan for your watershed. 

  • Topic: Ecosystem Benefits Browser
  • Time: February 20, 2025 at noon EST
  • Join Zoom Meeting
  • Meeting ID: 838 6648 5237
  • One tap mobile +13017158592,,83866485237# 

In-Person Training

None currently scheduled.

Specialized Training

Interested in a training for a special group? Use the Contact Us button on the top menu bar to request additional webinars or in-person trainings in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed.