Stream Restoration Protocol Calculator

Qualifying Criteria

Meets qualifying criteria for legacy sediment removal and raising the streambed in stream restoration, protocol 2 or 3.
  • Project extended hyporheic zone and floodplain treatment zone boundaries must be assessed with hydrologic and hydraulic models to demonstrate whether it increases water surface elevations or has adverse downstream flooding impacts.

  • Project must avoid extended ponding / inundation of the floodplain to assess the potential adverse effects of extended open water ponding based on the soil characteristics, plant community, amphibian and other aquatic habitat goals.

  • Project must demonstrate consideration of potential unintended consequences of the restoration, such as aquatic passage and potential water quality loss. A site impairment exists and that the interventions or restoration work proposed are appropriate to address the impairment. The proposed design should demonstrate that a positive ecological functional uplift (or change) for the stream and associated riparian system will result.

  • Any wetlands that fall within the boundaries of the floodplain treatment zone and are reported for credit under Protocol 3 should not also be reported using the Non-Tidal Wetlands Expert Panel.

  • Project meets all of the qualifying conditions listed in the original Stream Restoration Protocol Expert Panel report outlined in Appendix B.