Update released on October 24, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.14.0. Model version remains CAST-2023.
  • Carbon sequestration estimates are added to the BMP Submitted vs Credited report and a new Carbon Loads Report is now available.
  • Miscellaneous updates to the backend framework.

Update released on September 30, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.14.0. Model version remains CAST-2023.
  • The phosphorus module is corrected for a missed source data update when migrating to CAST-23 on May 21, 2024. Any scenario that you migrated from the previous version of CAST may have slight differences in TP loads. These are not expected to be substantial. All new scenarios migrated will be correct. This does not affect any scenarios that you created in this version of CAST, just the ones migrated from the prior version.

Update released on August 26, 2024

Update released on August 12, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.13.0 Model version remains CAST-2023.
  • This release is an update to the NEIEN/CAST Validation reports, accessible to select users through the NEIEN Portal. This change includes a reformatting of the reports to improve reporting transparency as requested and approved by the WQGIT. 

Update released on June 10, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.12.1 Model version remains CAST-2023.
  • A bug related to the copy/upload BMPs by state function is corrected. 

Update released on May 21, 2024

  • This release is of CAST-23, the new version of CAST. Updates change the loads in all scenarios in all years. This includes your own scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for you. You need to transition run your own scenarios from CAST-19 to CAST-23 using the "Migrate Scenarios" button on the Scenarios page. Once you move your scenarios, run the scenario to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to the scenarios. Scenarios can run simultaneously.
  • The official Phase III WIPs are those that are in the CAST version in which they were developed. The loads change in all scenarios, including the WIPs, in this new version. The BMPs from the Phase III WIPs are available in the scenario "WIP 3 CAST-2023 Version". The loads from the original version of the WIPs are available in the scenario "WIP 3 Official." The 2025 Phase III Planning Targets do not change. The milestone goals do change. The 2009 progress changes since the entire history of BMP implementation is re-run with each new version of CAST. With the 2009 starting point adjustment, the trajectory to the 2025 planning target endpoint shifts. As we get closer to 2025, the effect of the shift is less than earlier years since we are closer to the anchored 2025 target. The milestone goal will step up with each cycle (80% in 2021, 90% in 2023). The unaccounted additional loads are not in the CAST scenario results and are loads that EPA will not hold jurisdictions accountable for in 2025. Use the CAST Planning Target tool to compare planning targets to public scenarios.
  • The detailed changes between CAST versions is documented on the About menu under Model Documentation.
  • The changes that impact loads include:
    • BMPs submitted, including the TMDL critical period, are updated. This update impacts multiple estimates including the BMPs credited through 2017 land use (except for forest buffers, tree and forest planting, which is 2002), the amount of nutrients applied to meet crop needs, and the historic manure transport of total phosphorus through 2016.
    • The agricultural land use total acres are now determined by the Land Data Team's change product from 2013 rather than the USDA Agricultural Census total acres.
    • Agricultural and urban fertilizer sales data are updated to include data reported to American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) through 2016. The missing fertilizer for 2013 and 2014 was corrected. State-supplied fertilizer data is utilized for 2017-2020.
    • New fertilizer sales data results in new urban fertilizer application rates for the years 2013 through 2025.
    • The 2013-2025 land use acres, septic systems, and sewer service areas are updated. Base conditions are newly available through 2030. 
    • Maryland biosolids are updated. The amount for other jurisdictions is simply carried forward for all future years.
    • Pennsylvania updated their combined sewer overflow reductions.
    • Virginia's insignificant facilities wastewater data was updated for 2014-2020.
    • West Virginia found errors in their 2009 wastewater data and corrected those, leading to an increase in loads.
    • Virginia and West Virginia's harvested forest acres are updated for 2021. Maryland's 2013 to 2021 harvested forest acres are updated.
    • Construction acres are updated for 2021 in all states except Maryland. New York updated construction acres for 2016-2021.
    • The split between Pennsylvania's permitted and nonpermitted feeding space has been updated.
    • The amount credited for tree BMPs that are credited in the land use rather than credited in the submitted BMPs is changed. The tree BMPs are now credited 15 years prior to the date of the aerial imagery in the land use. These BMPs include forest buffers, tree planting, and forest planting.
    • The credit duration of RI-9: Forest Nutrient Exclusion Area and RI-10: Forest Buffer on Watercourse is extended from 10 to 15 years.
    • Changes to nutrient application eligibility in Phase 6 CAST. This change allows all crop nutrient applications to be both manure and fertilizer eligible if that crop/land use allows it.
    • Virginia's regulated/unregulated developed acreage in CAST is corrected.
    • Updated BMP history (as of February 2024)
  • BMPs that were approved for planning will become available for annual reporting:
    • The urban stream restoration protocol #5 is available.
    • The urban stream restoration default value is not available for annual reporting after 6/30/2022.
    • The credit duration for tree planting, forest planting, and forest buffers was changed from 10 to 15 years. The credit duration indicates the time frame that a BMP is considered valid without inspection. With inspection, a BMP is credited indefinitely.
    • The impervious disconnection BMP was corrected so that it can be applied only on impervious land. Previously it was available on pervious land.
    • The abandoned mine reclamation BMP is now credited as a land use change to forest.
    • The wetland BMPs creation and rehabilitation are updated per the expert panel report. The wetland enhancement BMP is removed.
    • The grey infrastructure nutrient discharge elimination BMP was added to CAST-23.
    • Wetland BMPs have no credit duration.
    • Animal mortality BMPs are available.
    • Newly approved oyster restoration BMPs are available.
    • The agricultural ditch BMPs are available for annual reporting. The water control structures BMP efficiency is updated to be zero now that the ditch BMPs are available. 
  • The tools available from the homepage will be updated in the coming weeks. These include:

Data from Version CAST-19

Data are available in reports that include the 2009 Progress, 2023 Progress, Phase III WIP, and the Phase III WIP Climate Change scenarios.

Update released on May 21, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.12.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The following, updated 2023 QAPPs are posted to the Verification page:
    • VA: NPS/PS Combined, BMP Verification Plan

Update released on May 16, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.11.1 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The following, updated 2023 QAPPs are posted to the Verification page:
    • WV: NPS
    • DC: NPS/PS Combined

Update released on May 13, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.11.1 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The following, updated 2023 QAPPs are posted to the Verification page:
    • MD: NPS/PS 
    • PA: NPS/PS, Addendum
    • NY: NPS/PS

Update released on May 7, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.11.1 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The following, updated 2023 QAPPs are posted to the Verification page:
    • DE: NPS/PS
    • WV: PS

Update released on March 12, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.11.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Correction to the duplicate rows error in the Wastewater report. Any Wastewater reports run before 3/12/2024 should be-run.
  • Page added for the interactive version of the BMP Targeting Maps.
  • Updates to the technical infrastructure.

Update released on February 2, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.10.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The new coagulant enhanced treatment pond BMPs are in CAST-23 and available for use in planning scenarios.

Update released on January 19, 2024

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.10.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Animal mortality and ditch BMPs' cost data updated to be consistent with all other BMP cost estimates, which are in 2018 dollar values.

Update released on October 26, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.10.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Update to the manure application eligibility and timing files in CAST-23, changing all crop nutrient applications to be both manure and fertilizer eligible if the crop/land use allows it. This will change the results of reports run on the draft version of CAST-23 that was made available to members of the WQGIT, WTWG, and other interested parties for review.
  • Correction to the unregulated/regulated land use classification in 5 Virginia counties: Fairfax County and all towns and cities contained therein (specifically including Fairfax City and Falls Church City), Loudoun County to specifically include eastern Loudoun County and the Town of Leesburg, and Harrisonburg City, by applying an adjustment factor as a CAST-23 post-processing measure. An adjustment factor is now applied as a ratio of CAST-19 unregulated/regulated lands. The ratio has been determined for each land-river model segment, load source, for each nonfederal and each federal agency type, and for each year after 2012. 

Update released on October 4, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.9.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The Eutrophication Units Calculator is now live on CAST. The Eutrophication Units Calculator is a tool which calculates the nitrogen and phosphorus exchanges needed to meet the planning goals based on a user-selected scenario and geography. Results are shown as eutrophication effects on dissolved oxygen in the Chesapeake Bay.

Update released on September 26, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.8.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The official 2022 Progress scenario is now available on CAST. This scenario reflects the BMPs that are implemented and functioning in this year (July 1, 2021 - June 30, 2022) as reported by the state to the Chesapeake Bay Program for annual progress and verified by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).

Update released on August 24, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.8.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Access to a draft version of CAST-23 made available to members of the WQGIT, WTWG, and other interested parties for review.
  • Updates to CAST-23 will change the loads in all scenarios and years. This includes your own scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for you. 
  • Updates that were made to the aborted version CAST-21 (11/1/2021) are included in the CAST-23 version as well as changes to the inorganic fertilizer data, which is updated through 2020, and the urban fertilizer application method. 

Update released on August 3, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.8.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Updates the text on the homepage to include mention of the ecosystem benefits (co-benefits) information CAST has to offer
  • New BMP Unit-sort to the Add BMPs page
  • Corrects icon display issue on Download Reports page
  • Adds the Transportation BMP to the BMP Summary Report
  • Updates the Estuary Trends URL from TrendsOverTime to EstuaryTrends
  • Corrects error in the Compare Scenarios cost estimates
  • WIP 3 and WIP 3 Climate Change scenarios updated with the Pennsylvania transportation policy BMP
  • Data are prepared to transition to CAST-23 at the time the partnership agrees

Update released on May 17, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.7.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Updates to the Ecosystem Benefits Browser:
    • Creation of bi-directional arrows to indicate mutually beneficial relationships between Goals/Outcomes/BMPs
    • Creation of Ecosystem Benefits source data file download
    • Replacement of the term 'citizen' with 'community' throughout the application
  • New drop-down-list in Compare Planning Targets tool for users to select the type of planning target (2025 Planning Target or 2025 Planning Target plus Climate Change) for comparison
  • Corrected error in BMP Input File format that was creating validation errors when uploading the file to a scenario
  • Miscellaneous bugs and fixes

Update released on February 9, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.6.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • CAST-21 has been removed until the Chesapeake Bay Partnership determines how to move forward with the next CAST version.

Update released on January 17, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.6.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Two new pages are available from the CAST Home page: Monitoring and Ecosystem Benefits. The monitoring page contains a space to view maps and graphs of monitored water quality data. The Ecosystem Benefits page contains information about the complementary benefits to BMP implementation.
  • Updates to the Estuary Trends data is now live on CAST. 
  • The Ecosystem Benefits Browser is now live on CAST. The Ecosystem Benefits Browser is an interactive tool which visualizes and summarizes the Goals, Outcomes, and Co-Benefits associated with CAST BMPs.
  • These updates to not change the loads in scenarios.

Update released on January 4, 2023

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.5.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • The Conowingo WIP and Conowingo WIP Baseline are now available on CAST. The Conowingo WIP Baseline scenario needs to be subtracted from the Conowingo WIP scenario to determine Conowingo load reductions. 

Update released on November 14, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.5.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • New application on Trends Over Time page to show manure transport trends. 
  • Drop down list added to select Load Source, Agency, and Animal aggregations when creating BMP Submitted vs. Credited reports.
  • Updated NEIEN and CAST databases. This is updated software and does not affect data.

Update released on August 16, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.4.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Updated look and wording for the register section of the CAST homepage. 
  • "News" page added for access to the most recent copy of the CAST newsletter.
  • Miscellaneous bugs and fixes.

Update released on July 6, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.3.1 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Correction to error with data in animal tab on CBWS-only base conditions reports. CBWS-only base conditions reports created after January 5, 2022 reported less than full county animal numbers. This update corrects the animal counts in these reports. Any reports created between 1/5/2022 - 7/6/2022 should be re-run. 

Update released on April 26, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.3.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Scenario names can no longer include the following characters:  < > & ' \ " ~ #
  • CAST search bar will now search for entire phrases, rather than individual words. 
  • The following special characters will now be allowed in State Unique ID: < > & ~ ' \ " 

Update released on April 7, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.2.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Search feature will be added to easily find resources throughout the CAST website. 
  • There will be a new filter to select CBWS only when choosing geographies to run scenarios and reports. 

Update released on February 14, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.1.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Minor bug fixes and added administrative user functionality.
  • BMPs in CAST were pulled from NEIEN on 2/14/22.

Update released on January 11, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.0.1 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • All fields in BMP files will be converted to lowercase. All non-alphanumerics will continue to be removed from the state unique identifier field.

Update released on January 5, 2022

  • Version Phase 6 - 7.0.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.
  • Faster run times: CAST has a new architecture and design that will greatly speed up scenario runs. Users will not see anything new in terms of the interface or data. The part that will be noticeable is the increase in scenario run speed.
  • There is a new naming protocol for versions. The time-variable watershed model phase serves as the prefix and the application version serves as the version number. These upgrade notes serve as the ready reference for changes. The Bay Program Partnership made the decision to have CAST data updates every two years. While the naming is no longer following the year, such as CAST-19, there is still the intention to follow the update schedule of every two years until the Partnership decides otherwise.

Update released on November 1, 2021

  • This release is of a review version of CAST-21, the new version of CAST. Only a few users have access to this version. Access for all users is provided upon request. All users will be switched to the new version on January 1, 2022. 
  • Updates will change the loads in all scenarios and years. This includes your own scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for you. You need to transition and run your own scenarios from CAST-19 to CAST-21 using the “Migrate Scenarios” button on the Scenarios page. Once you move your scenarios, run the scenario to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to the scenarios. Multiple scenarios can run simultaneously.
  • The official Phase III WIPs are those loads from the CAST version in which they were developed. The loads change in all scenarios, including the WIPs, in this new version. The BMPs from the Phase III WIPs are available in the scenario "WIP 3 CAST-21 Version". The loads from the original version of the WIPs are available in the scenario “WIP 3 Official”. The 2025 Phase III Planning Targets do not change. The milestone goals do change. The 2009 progress changes since the entire history of BMP implementation is re-run with each new version of CAST. With the 2009 starting point adjustment, the trajectory to the 2025 planning target endpoint shifts. As we get closer to 2025, the effect of the shift is less than earlier years since we are closer to the anchored 2025 target. The milestone goal steps up with each cycle (80% in 2021, 90% in 2023). Use the CAST Planning Target tool to compare planning targets to public scenarios.
  • The detailed changes between CAST versions are documented on the About menu under Model Documentation. That page includes graphs showing the changes in loads and acres.
  • The changes that impact loads include:
    • BMPs submitted, including in the TMDL critical period, are updated. This update impacts multiple estimates including the BMPs credited through the 2017 land use (except for forest buffers, tree and forest planting, which is 2002), the amount of nutrients applied to meet crop needs, and the historic manure transport of total phosphorus through 2016.
    • The agricultural land use total acres are now determined by the Land Data Team’s change product from 2013 rather than the USDA Agricultural Census total acres.
    • Agricultural and urban fertilizer sales data are updated to include data reported to American Plant Food Control Officials (AAPFCO) through 2016. The missing fertilizer for 2013 and 2014 was corrected.
    • New fertilizer sales data results in new urban fertilizer application rates for the years 2013 through 2025.
    • The 2013 – 2025 land use acres, septic systems, and sewer service areas are updated.
    • Maryland biosolids are updated. The amount for other jurisdictions is simply carried forward for all future years.
    • Pennsylvania updated their combined sewer overflow reductions.
    • Virginia’s insignificant facilities wastewater data was updated for 2014-2020.
    • WV found errors in their 2020 wastewater data and corrected those, leading to an increase in loads.
    • Virginia and West Virginia’s harvested forest acres are updated for 2021. Maryland’s 2013 to 2021 harvested forest acres are updated.
    • Construction acres are updated for 2021 in all states except Maryland. New York updated construction acres for 2016-2021.
    • The split between Pennsylvania’s permitted and nonpermitted feeding space has been updated.
    • The amount credited for tree BMPs that are credited in the land use rather than credited in the submitted BMPs is changed. The tree BMPs are now credited 15 years prior to the date of the aerial imagery in the land use. These BMPs include forest buffers, tree planting, and forest planting.
  • BMPs previously approved for planning will become available for annual reporting.
    • The urban stream restoration protocol #5 is available.
    • The urban stream restoration default value is not available for annual reporting after 6/30/2022.
    • The credit duration for tree planting, forest planting, and forest buffers was changed from 10 to 15 years. The credit duration indicates the time frame that a BMP is considered valid without inspections. With inspection, a BMP is credited indefinitely.
    • The impervious disconnection BMP was corrected so that it can be applied only on impervious land. Previously it was available on pervious land.
    • The agricultural ditch BMPs will become available for annual reporting. The water control structures BMP efficiency is updated to be zero now that the ditch BMPs are available.
    • The abandoned mine land reclamation BMP is now credited as a land use change to forest.
    • The wetland BMPs creation and rehabilitate are updated per the expert panel report. The wetland enhancement BMP is removed.
    • The grey infrastructure nutrient discharge elimination BMP was added to CAST-21.
    • Wetland BMPs have no credit duration.
    • Animal mortality and oyster restoration BMPs have been approved.
  • The tools available from the homepage are updated. These include:
    • Trends over Time graphs
    • Cost per BMP and TN, TP, and TSS pounds reduced per BMP (Isolation scenarios)
    • TN loads by Input
    • NEIEN/CAST no expiration reports
  • Application version is 6.11.0 Model version is CAST-2021.

Update released on August 21, 2021

  • Added another Trend over Time graph for Estuary Trends to the Track Progess page.
  • File created date was added to the NEIEN Codes list document.
  • Some tables were optimized for faster results.
  • Column names in the NEIEN Appendix were updated.
  • Application version is 6.10. Model version remains CAST-2019.

Update released on May 11, 2021

  • The base conditions report can now return up to 10 scenarios.
  • Stream Restoration Protocol Urban BMP Calculator was updated so that the wetland component properly reflects the intention of the Expert Panel.
  • Minor feature improvements and bug fixes.
  • Application version is 6.9.0 Model version remains CAST-2019.

Update released on April 12, 2021

  • The 2020 wastewater is available. 2020 Progress is not yet available.
  • The NEIEN Portal has a submission date to the report request grid.
  • The NEIEN Portal has updates for administrative users.
  • A Stream Calculator for Protocol 3-Floodplain Reconnection has been added. Users still input the calculated pounds of TN, TP, and/or TSS.
  • Minor updates to the wording of text in the help popups to add clarity.
  • Application version is 6.8. Model version remains CAST-2019.

Update released on March 1, 2021

  • Agricultural ditch BMPs from the new Ditch Expert Panel report are added as planning BMPs. The monitored ditch BMPs will be added separately.
  • The NEIEN Portal, available to state technical leads, was updated to include additional functionality
  • Wastewater reports now includes million pounds per year rather than the average million pounds per day. This will provide a better calculation of concentration.
  • Minor web interface enhancements.
  • Application version is 6.7. Model version remains CAST-2019.

Update released on December 17, 2020

  • Cost Profile Description tab was added to the downloaded cost profiles.
  • The BMP Summary report now allows 25 geographies rather than 20.
  • The Results, Reports aggregation is now handled as a two-step process, making the selections clearer for users.
  • NEIEN Portal reports updated.
  • The BMP Input Files report can be downloaded without the scenario being run since it is just BMPs.
  • Other minor bug fixes.
  • Application version is 6.6. Model version remains CAST-2019.

Update released on December 3, 2020

  • The detailed manure source data now includes animal details including storage loss fraction, manure dry fraction, manure WEP, mortality fraction, and
    conversions of acres per animal count and animal count per AWMS.
  • Corrected validation of uploaded BMPs. It was indicating there were errors when the data was valid in some cases.
  • Graphs are much clearer. On Results>Graphs, the y-axis is re-scaled as load sources are removed.
  • State technical leads for the Chesapeake Bay TMDL now have access to the NEIEN Portal on the top menu bar. Note that this functionality is available to a limited number of users.
  • Application version is 6.5. Model version remains CAST-2019.

Update released on July 15, 2020

  • This release is of CAST-19, the new version of CAST. Updates change the loads in all scenarios in all years. This includes your own scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for you. You need to transition run your own scenarios from CAST-17d to CAST-19 using the button on the Scenarios page. Once you move your scenarios, run the scenario to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to the scenarios. Scenarios can run simultaneously.
  • The official Phase III WIPs are those that are in the CAST-17d version. The loads change in all scenarios, including the WIPs, in this new version. The BMPs from the Phase III WIPs are available in the scenario "WIP 3 CAST-19 Version". The 2025 Phase III Planning Targets do not change. The milestone goals do change. The 2009 progress changes since the entire history of BMP implementation is re-run with each new version of CAST. With the 2009 starting point adjustment, the trajectory to the 2025 planning target endpoint shifts. As we get closer to 2025, the effect of the shift is less than earlier years since we are closer to the anchored 2025 target. The 70% milestone goal will step up with each cycle (80% in 2021, 90% in 2023). Use the CAST Planning Target tool to compare planning targets to public scenarios.
  • The detailed changes between CAST versions is documented on the About menu under Model Documentation. That page includes graphs showing the changes in loads and between the acres and animals in the Agricultural Censuses.
  • The changes that impact loads include:
    • 2017 Agricultural Census data incorporated into the land use, crop yields, and animal numbers. This includes using an updated method for integrating the land cover data with the Agricultural Census data.
    • 2013 – 2015 land use acres, septic systems, sewer service areas, MS4 areas (Virginia only)
    • Agricultural and urban fertilizer sales data
    • Wastewater year for all jurisdictions except Virginia and the District of Columbia
    • Stream bed and bank loads are now credited by agency
    • Nitrogen fixation rate for “other haylage; grass silage and green chop” was updated
    • Nitrogen fixation inputs for over-winter crops was updated
    • Ag Census projections are for 2018 and beyond. Previously the Ag Census projected years were 2013 and beyond. The mapped land use continues to project from 2014 and beyond
    • BMPs submitted, including in the TMDL critical period, are updated
    • BMP costs are updated from 2010 dollars to 2018 dollars
    • Biofilter BMP is fully credited, correcting an error
  • BMPs that were approved for planning will become available for annual reporting:
    • Agricultural Stormwater Management
    • Conservation Landscaping Practices
    • Septic Effluent - Advanced
    • Septic Secondary Treatment - Advanced
    • Septic Denitrification - Advanced

Data from Version CAST-17d

Data are available in reports that include the 2009 Progress, 2019 Progress, and the Phase III WIP scenarios.

Update released on April 15, 2020

  • New feature available for comparing the Chesapeake Bay TMDL Planning Targets to the official shared scenario loads. Use this feature by going to Results, Planning Targets
  • The list of scenarios in selections for results, compare, and graphs is now alphabetized and a search bar has been added.
  • Application version is 6.3.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on February 27, 2020

  • Fixed bugs in the user interface including:
    • Copy Existing Scenario Without BMPs now copies the wastewater dataset
    • Edit cost profile Lifespan year column now excludes values less than one
  • Other minor bugs in the interface were also fixed.
  • Application version is 6.2.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on January 23, 2020

  • Updates to 2019 land use data will change the loads in any scenario using the 2019 base year.
  • Two cost formulas are now available when editing a cost profile – Total Implementation Cost or Total Annualized Cost. Total Implementation is new and represents the total first year cost without considering life cycle costs.
  • The Edit Lifespan button is now available when editing a cost profile. This button allows users to change the lifespan years for all BMPs at once. This can be useful for considering costs for a budget cycle.
  • Changes are made to the BMP pages in Edit Scenario to bring the focus of the page to BMP data entry and editing. A new “Copy BMP record and selections” action button allows users to duplicate BMP records and retain BMP information to speed up the BMP data entry process.
  • New content is added to the Track TMDL Progress page, which is accessible from the CAST home page. Added content includes Phase 3 WIP BMP information, trends over time, and tributary reports.
  • The “How To” section of the top navigation bar is renamed to “Learning” to better fit the collection of pages available in the drop-down list: User Documentation / Training Videos / FAQs.
  • All webinar and tutorial videos are housed on one page called Training Videos under the Learning section of the top navigation bar. Videos are consolidated by topic.
  • A new Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page is housed under the Learning section of the top navigation bar and includes all CAST FAQs organized by topic.
  • Other minor bugs were also fixed.
  • Application version is 6.1.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on October 17, 2019

  • Three new aggregations are available for the Loads Report and Loads Per Unit Report that summarize results by sector totals (i.e., Agriculture, Developed, Natural, Septic, Wastewater) with varying agency options: Sector - All Agencies, Sector - Fed vs. NonFed, and Sector - Agency.
  • Improvements were made to the Source Data Excel file including a new field, "BMPInputFile", added to the BMP Definitions tab to identify the BMP input file (i.e., Land, Animal, Manure Treatment) per BMP type to help users with BMP data upload into CAST and changing the field name for "BMPType" to "ReductionType" to clarify the purpose of the data presented in this field.
  • The BMP page named "Manure Transport" in Edit Scenario was changed to "Manure Treatment" to more accurately represent the BMPs available in this group.
  • Fixed crediting of mortality composters BMP to be based on only dead animals.
  • Updated text in the ReadMe tab of the BMP Submitted Vs. Credited report.
  • Added an unsubscribe button to the monthly CAST newsletter for users to opt out of the newsletter themselves rather than send an email to the CAST Team requesting to be removed from the mailing list.
  • Edited procedure when CAST users need to update their email address. Now when users update their email address, their user name is updated to match the new email address.
  • Other minor bugs were also fixed.
  • Application version is 6.0.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on August 1, 2019

  • Updates to non-urban and urban shoreline management nitrogen and phosphorus reduction factors for MD, DE, DC, and VA will change the loads for any scenario including the shoreline management BMP. Please note that official CBP Progress scenarios will not be re-run. CBP Progress loads will change if you copy official CBP Progress BMPs into your own scenario and re-run. Original and revised reduction factors are provided below:
    • Non-Urban Shoreline Management and Urban Shoreline Management TN and TP Reduction Factors:
      • DE - TN lbs/ft: Original = 0.04756/ Revised = 0.08632; TP lbs/ft: Original = 0.03362/ Revised = 0.06102
      • DC - TN lbs/ft: Original = 0.04756/ Revised = 0.08632; TP lbs/ft: Original = 0.03362/ Revised = 0.06102
      • MD - TN lbs/ft: Original = 0.04756/ Revised = 0.08632; TP lbs/ft: Original = 0.03362/ Revised = 0.06102
      • VA - TN lbs/ft: Original = 0.01218/ Revised = 0.03614; TP lbs/ft: Original = 0.00861/ Revised = 0.02555
  • Application version remains 5.9.1. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on July 25, 2019

  • Information on BMP cost effectiveness is now available on the Costs page accessed through the CAST home page.
  • Application version is 5.9.1. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on July 16, 2019

  • Updates to delivery factors for all land river segments in Land to Water and Stream to River, which are outside of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed (CBWS), will change the edge of stream (EOS) loads for segments outside of the CBWS. Edge of tide (EOT) loads for these areas remain zero.
  • Nutrient management operation and maintenance costs in Default Cost Profiles were revised.
  • Oyster Reef Restoration, including nutrient assimilation and enhanced denitrification secondary BMPs, are now available as new Planning BMPs for the Natural sector.
  • Improvements to the CAST home page including a new log in box and changes in information presented in the Resources section of the home page.
  • Fixed bugs related to an extra row error when uploading a BMP text file edited in Excel and error when editing Animal BMP % amount.
  • BayTAS and the TMDL Tracker were retired and users are now redirected to CAST.
  • Application version is 5.9.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on May 7, 2019

  • Updated the units in the submitted vs. credited report to use more complete names.
  • Minor bug fixes related to BMP validation.
  • Application version remains 5.8.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on May 3, 2019

  • Maryland Policy added to Land Policy BMPs.
  • Application version remains 5.8.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on April 4, 2019

  • Updates to 2018 land use and wastewater data will change the loads in any scenario using these 2018 base year and wastewater conditions
  • The 2018 Progress scenario is now available. This is the most recent current condition. It includes all BMPs functioning in 2018, including those newly implemented in 2018.
  • There are six new land policy BMPs. The design of the components of each state's land policies was directed by the state. These BMPs have no effect on other states' land use, septic systems or animal numbers.
  • The broiler freezer BMP and costs are now available for planning purposes.
  • The bug on the animal BMP file upload has been fixed. The last line was being deleted.
  • Editing user profile is improved
  • Application version is 5.8.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on March 11, 2019

  • The Manure Treatment Technologies BMP was updated to allow manure to be moved within the same county for treatment. Manure Transport still requires transport to be from and to different counties
  • Users who had blocked the icon viewer used by CAST will now be able to view the icons from a different source. This does not affect any loads or functionality.
  • Application version is 5.7.1 and model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on February 19, 2019

  • Updates to wastewater data in Virginia will change the loads in your scenario. The combined sanitary sewer disconnections are being updated in Virginia so the load goes to either non-regulated or MS4 land. Previously the disconnected load was distributed only to MS4 land. This will change the balance of load in the non-regulated and MS4 land. The stream bed and bank load also will change. The stream bed and bank load source is determined using a ratio of the total edge-of-stream load impacted. This change impacts all years since disconnections have been happening over time, not just in the present year. 
  • Application version remains 5.7.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on February 14, 2019

  • The extra row appended to the BMP Input File report is now removed. Uploading one of these files to a scenario will no longer result in an error message.
  • User documentation is available for the Public Cost Profile page, which is accessible from the home page before logging in. 
  • The Add BMP window on the edit scenario pages has improvements that make editing perform more smoothly.  
  • Separation of Combined Sewer Overflows (CSO) has been updated in DC so that it only occurs on non-federal lands. This will change the loads in DC scenarios for federal and non-federal lands. In Virginia, there was approval to make changes so that separation of CSOs can result in land moving from combined sanitary stormwater (CSS) to either non-regulated or MS4, not solely MS4. However, users will not see a change because no new data was provided to indicate how much of the CSS land goes to non-federal. 
  • Application version is 5.7.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on February 12, 2019

  • Costs were updated for select BMPs. Some of these BMPs did not have costs assigned. Others had costs reevaluated. This change affects the costs in the public reports and scenarios that use the state or watershed default cost profile.  
    • Septic-includes new cost estimates for all eight septic technologies, not just the three "advanced" ones
    • Saturated buffers
    • Denitrification ditch reactors
    • Conservation landscaping
    • Oyster aquaculture (reevaluated)
    • Manure gasification (reevaluated, remains unchanged)
  • Should you find the costs do not reflect the practice as you design it or your local area's costs, please change the default to an amount that is accurate for your design and area.
  • Application version is 5.6.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on February 4, 2019

  • When adding or editing scenarios, the BMP files uploaded or copied are now listed. This is to help users see the history of BMPs updated using this functionality.
  • The BMP Summary Report now shows the Land Policy BMP acres and percent implementation for every geographic scale selected.
  • BMP files may now be uploaded with different number formats without producing an error.
  • The invalid BMP grid allows a data row to be deleted if desired.
  • The source data report includes the full name of the BMP load source group. 
  • Other minor bug fixes were also fixed. 
  • Application version is 5.6.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on November 19, 2018

  • Bug fixes including:
    • The CAST Development Team engineered a new way to run scenarios, validation, and reports that make the user interface much more responsive. Scenarios and other functionality will no longer time out.
    • When editing a scenario, BMPs edited in the table are now fully validated.
    • Author is now alphabetized on the shared scenarios filter of the Scenarios page.
  • Summary BMP report now includes an indicator of annual or cumulative practices and the more specific BMP unit.
  • Base condition report now includes a tab for stream and shoreline feet.
  • Source sector is now in the Source data table tabs for BMP load source group and BMP units.
  • Virginia-specific geographies are added to the Source data table geographic references tab.
  • Application version is 5.5. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on September 27, 2018

  • Fixed a bug in the user interface for Add BMPs. The Agency drop-down list was not populating. The issue is now fixed and Agency populates as intended.
  • Application version is 5.4.1. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on August 30, 2018

  • Add Scenario and Scenario Metadata screen was reorganized to provide additional space for viewing geography names.
  • Loading rate (lbs/acre) is now available on the Compare Scenarios page and as a downloadable report.
  • The sector graphs now include more divisions so you can see the different loads by regulated and non-regulated load sources.
  • Wastewater delivery factors are included in the source data table.
  • Adding Land Policy BMPs is made easier by allowing multiple selections. 
  • Rounding in reports are updated to show the correct number of decimal places.
  • Application version is 5.4. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on August 21, 2018

  • New BMPs are available for scenarios with planning BMPs. The BMPs include:
    • Denitrifying Ditch Bioreactors: Diversion of tile-line flow through a carbon-source filter to enhance conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas that volatilizes.
    • Saturated Buffers: Diversion of tile-line flow to a subsurface, perforated distribution pipe used to divert and spread drainage system discharge to a vegetated area to increase soil saturation. 
    • Conservation Landscaping Practices: The conversion of managed turf into actively maintained perennial meadows, using species that are native to the Chesapeake Bay region. 
    • Septic Denitrification - Advanced: The septic system should employ both a 50% denitrification unit for pre-treatment of waste and an enhanced in situ treatment system within the soil treatment unit. This BMP should be used only for systems that employ integrated fixed-film activated sludge (IFAS) pre-treatment technologies with advanced drip dispersal units for in situ treatment within the soil treatment unit. 
    • Septic Effluent - Advanced: The septic system should employ an enhanced in situ treatment system within the soil treatment unit with no secondary treatment or enhanced denitrification technology. This system must employ shallow-placed, pressure-dosed dispersal units or elevated sand mounds with pressure-dosed dispersal for in situ treatment within the soil treatment unit designed to reduce 50% TN.
    • Septic Secondary Treatment - Advanced: Processes occurring within the soil treatment unit, including drip dispersal systems designed to produce a gross 60% TN reduction.
  • Application version remains 5.3.1. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on July 31, 2018

  • Report generation will be faster with this update.
  • Application version is 5.3.1. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on July 24, 2018

  • Updates to wastewater data in Maryland will change the loads in your scenario. You will need to rerun any scenarios that use the 2017 wastewater for Maryland. No other states or years are impacted. In addition to wastewater loads, the stream bed and bank load also will change. The stream bed and bank load source is determined using a ratio of the total edge-of-stream load from all other load sources except stream bed and bank. 
  • Application version remains 5.3.0. Model version remains CAST-2017d.

Update released on July 10, 2018

  • Updates change the loads in all scenarios in all years. This includes your own scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios including the 2010 E3 and No Action. The update to the 2010 E3 and No action result in a change to the planning targets for the Phase III Watershed Implementation Plans. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for you. You need to run your own scenarios to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to the scenarios. Scenarios can run simultaneously. The changes that impact loads include:
    • Legume fixation was overestimated. Now less TN is fixed by legumes.
    • The baseline BMPs are updated. This impacts the amount of backed out BMPs, which can be seen in the Credited versus Submitted BMP report. The 2012 amount is used to determine if more or less is implemented in years from 2012 forward. The immediately prior year is used for years prior to 2012. A change to the manure transported impacts the amount of plant-available phosphorus available. 
    • The baseline loads are updated. This change also required an update to the delivery factors to the edge-of-stream and edge-of-tide, and the sensitivity of input to runoff.
    • The historic crop need met with manure, fertilizer and biosolids is updated. The crop need is calculated based on nutrients available, location of nutrients after BMPs, and uptake. Crop need is established for 2012 and then used to determine future years fertilizer application. The immediately prior year is used for years prior to 2012.  
    • The Everything by Everyone Everywhere (E3) scenario has changed.
      • New stream restoration implementation levels
      • New BMP implementation for federal facilities and adjustment to the implementation on non-federal that accounts for some implementation moving to federal
      • Changes to location of BMPs in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Previously BMPs were applied to the entire county including the area outside the Watershed
      • Removal of buffers on agricultural drainage ditches in Delaware and Maryland
      • Stream loads may now be negative. This is consistent with all other scenarios where this can happen depending on the amount of stream restoration BMP. In this E3, stream loads are negative for TN in the District of Columbia for the National Park Service and in Maryland for the Department of Defense. Many more instances occur for TP and Sediment. The overall load is positive since the land load offsets this negative stream load. 
    • Correction to one wastewater treatment facility in Virginia for the 2017 year
    • Virginia has new construction land use acres for 2025. This affects the other land use acres and the land policy BMP data
    • The 2025 Phase II WIP scenario base condition changed from Historic Trends to Current Zoning to be consistent with the recommendation for building the Phase III WIP on the Current Zoning base condition.
  • Application version is 5.3.0. Model version is now CAST-2017d.

Update released on June 12, 2018

  • Updates change the loads in your scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios for any scenario on years 2014 to 2025. The 2010 No Action and E3 are not changing since they are on 2010. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for you. For your scenarios on a year between 2014 and 2025, you need to run your own scenarios to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to the scenarios. Scenarios can run simultaneously. The changes that impact loads include:
    • Septic system for 2014 to 2025
    • Harvested forest acres in Virginia for years 2014 to 2016
    • Construction acres in Virginia for 2015
    • Harvested forest and Construction acres in West Virginia for 2014 to 2016
    • Harvested forest in the District of Columbia has been removed for 2014 to 2025
    • Septic systems in the District of Columbia are held constant from 2013 to 2025
  • The create a login and forgot password functionality has been redesigned so it is simpler. 
  • Compare maps has new functionality and now includes the annual progress scenarios, Phase 2 WIP, E3 and No Action scenarios.
  • Summary BMPs report has two new worksheets that explain how BMPs are grouped and how the percent implementation is calculated.
  • Added new Virginia geography types of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, Soil and Water Conservation District Areas, and Planning District Commissions.
  • The BMP submitted vs. credited report has a change to the way that Amount Backed Out is reported. The column now shows only the amount backed out rather than the 2012 credited amount, which is used to calculate the amount backed out for years post-2012. 
  • Application version is 5.2.0. Model version is now CAST-2017c.

Update released on May 14, 2018

  • There error with the loads report where aggregations were not correct was corrected.
  • The sample BMP files for upload included extraneous text in the headers and this was removed.
  • The link to the BayFAST button on the home page was removed since it is the prior version of the model and is inconsistent with the current CAST version.
  • Compare Maps has new functionality and now includes all public scenarios. This includes all the final progress scenarios, Phase II WIP, E3, and No Action.
  • Application version is 5.1.2. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017b.

Update released on April 3, 2018

  • System performance was tuned. CAST now runs faster. There is no impact to any calculations or data.
  • Application version is 5.1.1. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017b.

Update released on March 28, 2018

  • Updates change the loads in your scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios except for 2010 No Action and E3. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for you. You need to run your own scenarios to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to all of your scenarios. Scenarios can run simultaneously. All previous reports are removed since the results are not consistent with this model change. Generate new reports for existing scenarios once you have run them. The changes that impact loads include: 
    • Land Policy BMPs are now available
    • New 2014-2025 Historic Trends and Current Zoning base conditions. Base conditions include land use, animals and septics
    • Post-2013 progress is run on Current Zoning  base conditions to be consistent with the Phase 3 WIPs. Previously Progress was run on Historic Trends base conditions. 
    • Stream restoration BMP: you may enter any amount of feet. Previously the feet were limited to the amount mapped. When using the stream restoration protocol, the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment is no longer limited. This can result in the stream bed and bank load source having a negative load.
    • Wastewater: the 2017 wastewater dataset is added to the dropdown list. This includes loads from industrial and municipal wastewater, combined sewer overflows, large monitored septics, rapid infiltration basins and spray irrigation. There also are updates to the rapid infiltration basins and spray irrigation data for Maryland for 2014, 2015 and 2016.
  • Application version is 5.1. Model version is now CAST-2017b.

Update released on March 16, 2018

  • Bug fixed with sharing scenarios. Scenarios are now shared only with the users selected from the list. 
  • Application version is 5.0.2. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017a.

Update released on March 13, 2018

  • The Maryland Forest Conservation Act BMP is no longer available. This BMP is superseded by the high resolution land use that includes protected lands and forecasts that account for the impact of current policies. The BMP remains in previous scenarios. When editing a scenario, the Maryland Forest Conservation Act BMP will be invalid.
  • Removal of the Forest Conservation Act BMP changes the loads in any scenario that included it.
  • Application version remains unchanged and is 5.0.1. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017a.

Update released on March 7, 2018

  • Data in reports is now formatted as number, not text.
  • Special characters are now allowed in scenario and report names.
  • Load report is no longer duplicating wastewater data where more than one scenario is selected.
  • Application version is 5.0.1. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017a.

Update released on February 27, 2018

  • CAST reporting has been enhanced. Backend processing technology has been improved.
  • Model version is included in all downloaded files.
  • Report column headers were made consistent across report types.
  • Application version is 5.0. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017a.

Update released on January 25, 2018

  • Corrected the animal numbers and animal units displayed on the Edit Scenario, Animal BMP page. It now shows only the number of animals in the geography of the scenario. 
  • Repaired problems with sharing scenarios with groups.
  • Repaired issues with uploading large land BMP files to scenarios.
  • Mouse-over description of Base Condition added.
  • BMP grids fixed so they will no longer freeze when there are a lot of BMPs. This includes changing the count of records shown at one time and adding ability to delete to 500 records. The total record count that remains to be deleted is shown.
  • Other minor bug fixes to the CAST interface.
  • Application version is 4.11. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017a. 

Update released on January 11, 2018

  • On the scenario page, selection of the base condition year and base condition projection method are two separate choices. This reduces the items in each drop down list to make the selections more clear. Historic Trend base condition remains available. The Current Zoning base condition will become available in the coming weeks. Other base conditions may become available in the future.
  • The loads report is newly formatted to facilitate analysis. It now only has one header row.
  • All reports have additional information included to more clearly identify the geography.
  • Reports types are sorted alphabetically.
  • Results are returned faster on the Compare Scenarios screen.
  • The 2014, 2015, 2016 and 2017 Progress scenarios are being finalized. Different versions are released on a regular basis. Once the final version is approved inteh spring, earlier versions no longer will be available in the shared scenarios list. 
  • Application version is 4.10. Model version remains unchanged and is CAST-2017a. 

Update released on December 21, 2017

  • The model version is now final. The Draft Final 12/7/2017 version of the model was approved by the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership's Principals' Staff Committee and is now named CAST-2017a.
  • The next updates to the model methodology and assumptions are scheduled for 2019. The user interface may continue to be upgraded. New data, such as base conditions, may continue to be added. 

Update released on December 12, 2017

  • Local area planning targets link added to home page. The targets will be added when the final version of the draft targets are available.
  • Functionality for sending email to all CAST users is added.
  • Tuned several functions to make them faster.
  • Minor bugs on the user interface were fixed.
  • Bug with sharing scenarios that removed results is corrected.
  • CAST user documentation updated.
  • Corrected the unit on the Compare loads tab to pound per year.
  • Removed septic from the Compare acres grid since septics are a direct load to the stream and do not have acres.
  • Added data version and application version to the Source data download table.
  • In reports grid, the name of the report pops up when you hover over it. This allows users to see the full name where the names are long and have no spaces.
  • Application version is 4.9. Model version remains unchanged and is Draft Final 12/7/2017. 

Update released on December 7, 2017

  • Updates change the loads in your scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios including No Action and E3.
  • A new method for distributing phosphorus inorganic fertilizer is implemented. Nutrients are spread using the phosphorus fertilizer application curves, as was originally intended by Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership decisions. This corrects an issue that occurs in situations where there is less manure transported in a scenario compared to a reference scenarios. This issue was identified with testing of the nutrient management BMP.  
  • The estimation of water extractable phosphorus in counties where there is more than one land segment is corrected.
  • Updated broiler and turkey animal counts for 2014 to 2016, and projected to 2025, are included.
  • Updated broiler data for 2014 to 2016, and projected to 2025, are included. Data include the number of animals per animal unit and the amount of manure produced per animal. 
  • New animal counts means that the land use changes. The animal counts are used to determine the area in the feeding space land use. This impacts all land uses for years 2014 to 2025.
  • The amount of animals in regulated feeding spaces versus non-regulated feeding space is updated.
  • The method for generating the final land use and septics has changed for 2014 to 2025. This affects the Historic Trends land use. 
  • The method for determining the developed land turfgrass application rate is updated, affecting loads for 2014 to 2025.
  • Corrected 2016 point source data is included.
  • The wastewater data for the District of Columbia was revised for the 2010 No Action and E3 scenarios. 
  • Model version is updated to Draft Final 12/7/2017. Application version remains unchanged and is 4.8.

Update released on November 28, 2017

  • Updates change the loads in your scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios. The shoreline load used for the E3 scenario was changed to have the shoreline BMP added to an additional 10% of the unimproved shoreline. The shoreline load for the no action, or no BMP, scenario is now equivalent to 2008. All other scenarios use the load from 2008 with shoreline BMPs reported after 2008. This decision was made at the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership's 11/27/2017 Water Quality Goal Implementation Team meeting. All scenario loads are recalculated for you. 
  • Model version is updated to Draft Final 11/27/2017. Application version remains unchanged and is 4.8

Update released November 9, 2017

  • Updates change the loads in your scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin are recalculated for users. Users need to run their scenarios to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to all of your scenarios. Scenarios can run simultaneously. The changes that impact loads include: 
    • Model version updated to the Draft Final October 2017 version. This is consistent with the latest Phase 6 calibration that is being presented to the Principal Staff Committee in December.
    • New load source amounts for years 2014 to 2025
    • New septic system data
    • Agricultural Irrigation Water Capture Reuse BMP-changed the reduction efficiency, per the direction of the Agricultural Workgroup
  • Agricultural Stormwater BMP was added, per the direction of the Agricultural Workgroup
  • Improved error handling so users now receive an email
  • Sped up the select list for the geography selection
  • Cost profiles are now available on the public (non-logged in) page
  • Maps are now available to logged in users under results
  • Federal facility information is added to the home page under progress reporting
  • Application version 4.8

Update released October 16, 2017

  • Added the ability to copy scenario metadata from an existing scenario when creating a new scenario
  • Improved speed of adding BMPs
  • Added detailed source data files for download
  • Application version 4.7

Update released October 6, 2017

  • Added Nutrients Applied report. 
  • Fixed ability to select geographic areas when using Microsoft Edge and IE browsers.
  • Application version 4.6.1

Update released October 1, 2017

  • Model version updated to the Draft Final September 25, 2017 version. This is consistent with the data presented at the September 2017 Water Quality Goal Implementation Team face-to-face meeting. Scenarios results will be different than before because of this change.
  • Data version change from "Draft Final 7/14/2017" to "Draft Final 9/25/2017".  
  • The buffer BMPs were organized in groups so that there are primary BMPs of streamside and upland buffers.
  • Application version 4.6.0

Update released September 18, 2017

  • Nutrients applied was removed from the Base Conditions report. It will be added to a new report in the next release, planned for 10/2/2017.
  • The buffer BMPs with exclusion fencing were updated to include units of length and width, in addition to area.
  • Improved speed of updating BMPs in the table on the add BMP pages.
  • Improved functionality of geographic selection box so it is faster and more reliable. 
  • Added BMP type as official or planning to source data spreadsheet.
  • Page layout inconsistencies were corrected.
  • Application version 4.5.0

Update released August 15, 2017

  • Fixed bug where scenarios were not populating in a list for reports at the modeling segment scale.
  • Application version 4.3.1

Update released August 11, 2017

  • Minor bug fixes with the user interface were corrected. These included selecting units with some BMPs, correcting the BMP summary downloaded report, and enabling the cancel button on the contact us email.
  • The documentation may now be downloaded. 
  • The amount has been added to the result pie charts in addition to percent.
  • A filter for reports to show my scenarios, shared scenario and public scenarios is added.
  • Registering as a new user and entering a password has been improved to eliminate copy/paste issues with the temporary password.
  • Application version 4.3.0

Update released July 26, 2017

  • Minor bug fixes with the user interface were corrected. These included selecting units with some BMPs, correcting the downloaded report for BMP files, and validating manure transport files that are uploaded to a new scenario. 
  • Application version 4.2.1

Update released July 21, 2017

  • Added a new report type that allows BMPs to be downloaded in a format that can be uploaded to a scenario
  • Added a home page notification banner to replace the need for sending users emails
  • Adjusted the number of characters available for cost profile description, scenario description and notes
  • Updated help for the new public reports maps page
  • Corrected the spelling on the email sent for reset password confirmation
  • Added filter for BMPs on the cost profiles grid  
  • Removed abbreviations from the nutrients applied report
  • Sorted animal types in animal and manure BMP grids the same
  • Application version 4.2.0

Update released July 14, 2017

  • Updates change the loads in your scenarios, scenarios shared with you, and public scenarios. Public scenarios and the shared scenarios owned by CBP Admin will be recalculated for users. Users will need to run your scenarios to see the new loads. Just click on the green run arrow next to all of your scenarios. Scenarios can run simultaneously. The changes that impact loads include: 
    • Soil phosphorus — change how it is calculated in scenarios so it follows the logic used in the calibration
    • Biosolids — correct the method used to split into nutrient species
    • Cover management factor (C-Factor) — change method used in scenarios so the phosphorus and sediment loads vary with inputs.
    • Septic — include the updated population on septic.
  • Data version change from "Draft Final" to "Draft Final 7/14/2017".  
  • Application version 4.1.1

Update released July 11, 2017

  • Corrections were made to the public reports. The BMP submitted vs. Credited report was not including data in all three BMP sheets (land, animal, manure). The Loads report now returns the aggregation type selected by the user.
  • A system error was generated when deleting an edited scenario. This is now corrected so delete works properly.
  • Application version 4.1.1

Update released July 3, 2017

  • Public loads report is returning only BMP Summary report. Other report types made unavailable until corrections are made to the procedure to produce the report.
  • Tool tips are added for Aggregations on the Reports page.
  • Maps are added under Public Reports.
  • Interface updated so that the Geographic Scale selection under reports does not freeze. 
  • Miscellaneous minor bugs on the interface were fixed.
  • Application version 4.1.0

Update released June 22, 2017

  • Registration email rewritten to be clearer.
  • Unit corrected on downloaded Compare Scenarios table.
  • Pie charts under graphs are now returning wastewater data.
  • BMPs with multiple measures, like Manure Treatment Technologies, are now copying all measures. Previously only one measure was copied. 
  • Miscellaneous minor bugs on the interface were fixed.
  • Application version 4.0.1

Update released June 15, 2017

This is the Draft Final version of Phase 6 CAST. Shared scenarios include:

  • Phase 2 Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) BMPs translated to the Phase 6 BMPs, load sources, and model segmentation
  • Annual implementation scenarios for 1985 through 2013
  • Draft Everything, Everywhere by Everyone (E3). It is draft because it has not been reviewed by the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership and there is no manure transport BMP in the scenario.
  • No Action, that is, no BMPs.
  • Application version 4.0.0

Update released April 3, 2017

This is the beta version of Phase 6 CAST made available for reviewing CAST functionality. Data are hypothetical and scenarios are temporary. Once the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership releases the Draft Final version scenario data, CAST will be available for data review at CAST.ChesapeakeBay.net. At that time, new logins will need to be created and scenarios will be saved. CAST will be the model used for management purposes for the Chesapeake Bay Program Partnership. CAST 2017 and the Scenario Builder + Watershed Model are now the same model.